$49 074 606

Total staked in CryptoStake
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2.83% ~ 3.68%
global stake
0.03K ETH
0.11K USD
0.01K ETH
0.03K USD
Min stake amount
32 eth
0.10K USD
unstake period
10 days
~ 4 days
15.83% ~ 16.62%
global stake
0.87K DOT
0.01K USD
0.00K DOT
0.02K USD
Min stake amount
705 dot
0.00K USD
unstake period
28 days
~ 23 hours 59 minutes
global stake
0.25K ATOM
0.00K USD
0.37K ATOM
0.00K USD
Min stake amount
10 atom
6.18K USD
unstake period
21 days
~ 4 minutes
global stake
0.02K ADA
0.01K USD
0.00K ADA
0.66K USD
Min stake amount
10 ada
0.42K USD
unstake period
~ 11 days 15 hours
global stake
0.38K SOL
0.07K USD
0.01K SOL
0.00K USD
Min stake amount
1 sol
18.28K USD
unstake period
5 days
~ 1 hour
global stake
0.59K NEAR
0.00K USD
0.23K NEAR
0.00K USD
Min stake amount
10 near
5.67K USD
unstake period
4 days
~ 23 hours 47 minutes
global stake
0.14K KAVA
0.06K USD
0.04K KAVA
0.01K USD
Min stake amount
10 kava
0.42K USD
unstake period
21 days
~ 4 minutes

Stake Crypto Now for Financially Secure Tomorrow With a Crypto Staking App

The blockchain industry offers many opportunities to profit through investments in digital assets. Despite being a relatively new phenomenon, crypto staking has quickly become one of the most popular methods for generating income from holdings. It began to gain significant traction following the transition of the Ethereum blockchain from the Proof of Work (PoW) to the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism during the network upgrade known as The Merge. There are numerous other PoS cryptocurrencies that also boast superb technological features and various staking rewards options, with the best of them accessible through the CryptoStake app.

CryptoStake, headquartered in Switzerland, offers non-custodial cryptocurrency staking services prioritizing simplicity, efficiency, privacy, and security. Our flagship product is a state-of-the-art mobile and desktop application with a crypto staking wallet feature that represents the epitome of these qualities.

Simplicity of Earning Crypto Through Staking

Staking crypto involves contributing to the security and functionality of a blockchain by locking up a certain number of tokens and allocating your staking power to a dedicated smart contract or protocol. Cryptocurrency staking can be loosely compared to bank deposits, where one also earns interest on funds entrusted to a financial entity. However, while similar on the surface, crypto staking is inherently more complex, as PoS blockchains utilize different mechanisms for block confirmation, node selection, and reward distribution. Navigating through such complexities requires expertise to avoid losses from network penalties such as slashing.

One of CryptoStake's primary objectives is to simplify the staking process and ensure its ease and intuitiveness across various blockchains. When utilizing the CryptoStake app, users are relieved from the burden of deciphering the nuances between Ethereum validator staking and Polkadot or Solana staking. Instead, they simply select the token or tokens they wish to stake, considering factors like entry threshold, staking duration, and desired yields. With just a few taps on the screen, users seamlessly transition into becoming full-fledged stakers in their chosen blockchain. At CryptoStake, all staking processes are managed seamlessly by our platform, allowing users to simply monitor how crypto staking rewards accumulate in their wallets. In other words, we handle the heavy lifting while users earn crypto.

CryptoStake provides industry-competitive rates or APYs (Annual Percentage Yields) for all cryptocurrencies available for staking within the application. Our policy is to pay out only what the blockchain rewards the stake, minus the fee. All staking rewards are promptly disbursed, accumulated, and securely stored in native utility tokens within our proprietary crypto staking wallet. This approach ensures transparency and fairness in reward distribution while offering users the opportunity to maximize their earnings through staking various cryptocurrencies with ease and confidence.

Crypto Staking Calculator

Efficiency of Setup to Ensure Seamless Staking and Timely Rewards in Crypto

The CryptoStake team has worked hard to create the most efficient and reliable staking setup in the industry, achieving over 99% uptime for validators and avoiding network penalties. This ensures users can stake their cryptocurrencies confidently, knowing they'll receive consistent rewards without interruptions.

The uptime of our platform is guaranteed by a geographically distributed redundant crypto staking validator infrastructure, which spans three independent data centers situated in the United States, Canada, and Germany. This strategically diversified setup ensures continuous operation and minimizes the risk of downtime or disruptions. By maintaining redundant infrastructure across multiple locations, we provide our users with a staking experience where they earn crypto rewards without worrying about keeping the whole operations going seamlessly.

To ensure that people use our app to earn crypto in the most efficient way, we've developed an advanced staking rewards calculator within our app. This innovative tool enables users to project their yields with remarkable precision for periods extending up to 20 years. By harnessing accurate data and sophisticated algorithms, our calculator empowers users to make informed decisions and optimize their staking strategies for long-term profitability. Whether planning for short-term gains or considering investments over the next two decades, our precise calculator provides invaluable insights to help users to take cryptocurrency earning to the maximum.

Stake Crypto With Privacy Ensured

In today's digital world, personal information is often shared online, raising privacy concerns. At CryptoStake, we take a different approach. We don't collect any personal data during the registration or the staking process itself, except when needed for tax assistance. We believe in protecting user’s privacy and allowing anonymous in-app staking for everyone without any impact on the crypto yield.

Security is Our Top Priority

The crypto industry remains plagued by various scams and fraudulent activities, leading individuals to approach online platforms with caution when entrusting their funds. At CryptoStake, we acknowledge these concerns and prioritize transparency and security in our operations.

As a non-custodial provider, we never take custody of our users' private keys or crypto funds. This sets us apart from centralized and liquid staking platforms, which often require users to relinquish control of their assets.

CryptoStake's safety measures underwent rigorous testing by Hacken, a well-known digital security auditor. The examination employed a gray box methodology, encompassing intelligence gathering, service detection, vulnerability analysis, and assessments of business logic flow. After a month of comprehensive testing, Hacken specialists awarded the app a perfect score of 10 out of 10 for security.

In addition to these measures, our crypto earn app incorporates a biometric security feature. Users must scan their fingerprint for any in-app action, ensuring only they can manage their staking portfolio. By implementing biometric authentication, we significantly enhance the security of our platform, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized individuals to access or manipulate users' staked assets.

Data centers

We use the best solutions and practices for validators hosting. All validators are duplicated in geographically independent data centers for quick recovery in case of failure of one of them. Our technical support is available 24/7 for troubleshooting or emergency updates. All this allows us to achieve 99.98% uptime and, accordingly, receive the highest income from validators.
New York
Media about us

Earn and Transact - All Through the Crypto Staking Wallet

Apart from being a gateway to the best PoS cryptocurrencies and their blockchains, the app also features a crypto staking wallet boasting an intuitive interface and robust security measures. This wallet is an integral component of CryptoStake's setup, ensuring that staking crypto and receiving rewards are both seamless and secure for all users.

However, the functionality of the CryptoStake wallet extends beyond Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies. It also accommodates the storage and transactions of several popular non-PoS coins, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), and XRP (XRP), among others. This versatility ensures that users can manage a diverse portfolio of digital assets within the same secure and intuitive interface, further enhancing the convenience and utility of the CryptoStake app that you can download now from the website or popular app stores.

What is staking ?

Crypto staking in general is a complicated process, but for a lot of crypto users, knowing that staking is a way of earning rewards while holding onto certain cryptocurrencies is the key takeaway. Further in the text, we will try to explain how staking works...